Henrik Nielsen
Henrik Nielsen has been a part of the following:
- International collaboration in handling with autoimmunity in clinics.
- European Consensus Study Group for Disease Activity in SLE.
- Disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus.
- Report of the Consensus Study Group of the European Workshop for Rheumatology Research (OMERACT).
- European Study group on Disease Activity in SSc (ESSG).
- Development of Disease activity for systemic sclerosis (SSC).
- European Scleroderma Group (EUSTAR) to define disease activity criteria for Systemic Sclerosis Consensus rapport submitted to EU, 2005. www.boneandjointdecade.org/news/articles/european_action_better_musc_health.pdf .
- EULAR recommendations for the management of early arthritis (RA): Reports of a task force of European Standing Committee for International Clinical Including Therapeutics (ESCISIT).
- Preliminary criteria for very early diagnosis of Systemic Sclerosis: Results of a Delphi Consensus Study from EULAR Scleroderma Trials and EUSTAR.
- International Consensus Conference: Advances in targeted therapies in inflammatory disorders and consensus sessions in the position of anti–TNF-therapy in clinical practice.
- Low-back pain handling and rehabilitation, Copenhagen University Hospitals 1985.
- Rehabilitation and science in rheumatology, Copenhagen: University Hospitals 1993-2002.
- Rehabilitation and science in neurology, Copenhagen: University Hospitals 2007-2009.
- Rehabilitation and pain-science in RCT (Centre for Torture Victims), Copenhagen.