2021 | Top 5 most read this fall
BestPractice Nordic ensures a clinically relevant editorial context for your message across many channels: web, newsletters, magazine, podcast, video and e-learning courses.
With christmas around the corner it is time for BestPractice Nordic’s to once again take a look at our digital channels and reveal what more than 40,000 specialists, doctors and nurses have been most interested in reading articles / watching MEDtalks or hearing MEDcasts during the 2. half of 2021. Here you get an overview of the top 5 most popular editorial elements across specialties*

That is what we would like to highlight over these 6 months. We look forward to presenting even more during december, where we will cover SABCS and ASH 2021 Live. The 63rd ASH ANNUAL MEETING AND EXPOSITION has physically attendence for the first time this year at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta from 11-14. December 2021. And we are joining!
The virtual meeting has its limitations – not only because it has fewer participants, but also because it cuts off those who are live, from eye contact, body language, the sense of mood and dynamics. This is why it such a great pleasure, that SABCS and ASH 2021 once again are opning the doors for attendence as well as a online activitues, so that we can reap the benefits of both formats. BestPractice Nordic covers the entire congress live but we also invite you to join us on the following webinar covering the highlight from ASH 2021 thursday 16.12.21 at 14.00
-15.00. Here you get to hear about the most important international trends, studies and data within hematology with focus on these 4 areas: myeloma, lymphomas, CLL and AML.
Targetgroup: Hematologists, pathologists and oncologists can attend for free.
Kommende events
Følg med her når vi dekker de viktigste høydepunkter fra kongresser. Vi publiserer i form av abstracts, artikler og MEDtalks med internasjonale og nasjonale sentrale meningsledere.
Se mer herIf you are not in the target group but would like to attend or would like to know more about the advertising opportunities, please contact:
Stine-Maria Halstrøm, m: +45 5354 6481/e: sha@bpno.dk
*Statistics: Google analytics from 01.06.21 to date