BestPractice Nordic | An attractive platform for any message
How do you get the greatest impact on as many specialists in your target group as possible? Whatever goals you have for 2022, we can help you plan a targeted and effective campaign. Book a meeting today!
Our work is based of this model to ensure your campaign get the best possible exposure. No matter where you are at on your product life cycle: from indication/approval, market launch, market exclusivity or the period after, BestPractice Nordic gives you the opportunity to use the synergy and strengthen your message to a specific target group across different channels.
Dynamic, digital or print?
You can communicate through our specialized magazines with a traditional printad or an advertorial. You can also choose digital advertising on our website and in newsletters that are targeted, both in form and recipients. Our newsletters have an average opening rate of over 30%.
With more dynamic digital formats, you can really put emphasis on a given topic or message. We produce MEDtalks, which are videos with specialists reviewing a topic, new study or treatment dilemma or MEDcast, a podcast format where two specialists typically have a reflective clinical conversation based on a patient case (only for General Practice or Oncology) .
Finally, during the year we also put extra spot on selected topics when we gather specialists for meetings or webinars. We have just hosted the webinar: Future treatment options for patients with lung cancer for pulmonologists, pathologists, thoracic surgeons and oncologists, which had an attendancy rate of 67.6%. And in December we cover the congress ASH 2021 live but we are also hosting the webinar ASH 2021 Live.

Whatever you choose, you will get the greatest possible reach to a targeted audience divided by clinical specialty. How it is done best, will vary depending on the challenge you face. We are always happy to help with advice, if you need to plan an effecient campaign aimed at one or more of our targetgroups and specialty. Please contact:
Charlotte Knudtzen, e: / m: +45 6139 4747 or book here
Ina Bøgkjær, e: / m: +45 6130 5072 or book here