Fall 2021 | Don’t miss out on news
BestPractice Nordic has been busy planning activities for the fall. For some, fall means shorter days, but not for us. Below you will find an overview of activities, you can look forward to.
Get an easy overview of the activities we have planned for fall at BestPractice Nordic, and where you have the opportunity for exposure in a clinical editorial context, that is most relevant for you – if you have not already ordered yet.
At BestPractice Nordic you get access to a specialized universe with articles, MEDtalks & MEDcasts, highlights from congresses, professional tests, E-learning courses and webinars. Every day we strive to facilitate an arena that makes it even easier for doctors, nurses and health professionals to share knowledge:
Share clinical knowledge and best practice to improve health and patient care.

If you are interested to hear more or get an offer, please don’t hesitate to contact:
Charlotte Knudtzen by email: ckn@bpno.dk or phone +45 6139 4747 or
Ina Bøgkjær by email: ibo@bpno.dk or phone +45 6130 5072